It wanted an end to premium prices for pre-paid systems and to see more than £500m slashed from bills.
Under the proposed new rules, suppliers would be obliged to provide
an annual statement including a reminder of the customer's right to
switch energy providers.
Written quotations would be given after doorstep sales, with proof
for pre-payment customers that offers made were better than their
current deal.
And there would be a new set of standards that all energy companies should meet to ensure they dealt fairly with customers.
See interviews with key business and political figures by Sky’s Jeff Randall
Customers could not be stopped from switching supplier without good reason.
The regulator's chief executive, Alistair Buchanan, said: ""This is
an emphatic move by Ofgem to clear the decks of obstacles that prevent
consumers from getting access to the best offers.
"All consumers will be given greater power in the market and small
businesses in particular will have a stronger hand to play in the
If companies fail to agree on the proposals, the Competition Commission could be asked to intervene.