Main » 2009»June»29 » The Pirate Bay creators launch new project
The Pirate Bay creators launch new project
The founders of the world's biggest torrent portal The Pirate Bay
announced their intention to start a new project, reports BBC News. A
new Internet resource will be called The Video Bay. The principle of
his work similar to the service, the service YouTube. The Video Bay
will provide unlimited access to video clips for free.
In April, Swedish court ordered the payment of the four founders
of the popular torrent-tracker The Pirate Bay 4,5 million dollars in
compensation for copyright infringement. In addition, the founders of
Internet resources have been sentenced to one year in prison. However,
despite the fact that all appeals in this case were dismissed, a
quartet of Swedish founders pirated portal is still at large.
During the summit held in New York presentation, The Video Bay
stood at the beginnings of The Pirate Bay Swede Peter Sund told that
the first time, there may well be some violations of the new resource.
It is connected with his work on a new platform. Sund asked to
understand this phenomenon, and not overwhelm the administration of
copyright complaints.