WASHINGTON — Seizing the momentum from recent meetings with Latin
American leaders, the Obama administration is quietly pushing forward
with efforts to reopen channels of communication with Cuba, according to White House and State Department officials.
The officials said informal meetings were being planned between the
State Department and Cuban diplomats in the United States to determine
whether the two governments could open formal talks on a variety of
issues, including migration, drug trafficking and other regional
security matters. And the administration is also looking for
ways to open channels for more cultural and academic exchanges between
Cuba and the United States, the officials said. The next steps,
said a senior administration official, would be meant to “test the
waters,” to see whether the United States and Cuba could develop a
“serious, civil, open relationship.” After saying the United
States was “ready to talk about a series of issues,” the official
added, “This thing with Cuba is going to take a lot of time, and it may
not work.” Officials who discussed the plans did so on the
condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak
publicly about the efforts. The details and scope of the
administration’s outreach to Cuba are still being worked out, they
said. But their comments indicated a departure from the White House’s
previous position that it would not make further moves toward
engagement until the Castro government reciprocated President Obama’s lifting of restrictions on Cuban-Americans who wished to travel to Cuba or send money to relatives on the island. Mr.
Obama has faced mounting pressure from Latin America and from his
supporters in this country to do more to reverse the United States’
47-year-old trade embargo against the Castro dictatorship. Cuba has
become the litmus test by which many Latin American nations measure the
United States’ commitment to improving relations with the region. Polls
suggest that there is increasing support among Cuban-Americans for
ending the United States’ policy of isolation toward Cuba. And
proposals have been made in both houses of Congress that would lift
restrictions on travel to Cuba for all Americans. In an
interview, a State Department official described the pressure building
for a new policy toward Cuba as a “steamroller” and said that the
administration was “trying to drive it, rather than get run over by it.” The
official said any overtures toward Cuba would be made cautiously,
allowing Mr. Obama to walk a fine line between those who want to end
the embargo and those who see any engagement with Cuba as making
concessions to a dictatorship. The official said that the
administration also wanted to be careful to make it clear that its
openness to engagement with Cuba did not mean the United States would
turn a blind eye to the Cuban government’s poor record on human rights.
Experts on Cuba said there were good reasons for Mr. Obama’s
caution. Among them is that the president has a full legislative agenda
and does not want opposition by anti-Castro conservatives to interfere
with more pressing concerns. The experts added that it was almost
impossible to predict Havana’s next move and that the Cuban government
had a history of shutting the door each time there was any serious move
toward improving relations. Indeed, after the recent Latin American
summit meeting, Fidel Castro said that Mr. Obama had misinterpreted comments by President Raúl Castro, his brother, that “everything” would be up for discussion. Carl E. Meacham, who is a senior foreign policy adviser to Senator Richard G. Lugar, Republican of Indiana, and who wrote a report
critical of the United States’ embargo, said: “We in Washington have to
focus on our own objectives, and not on events in Havana. What we’re
doing is threatening to President Castro, and there will be reaction.
But we have to keep moving forward.” The Obama administration has
indicated that it would like the Cuban government to stop charging fees
on remittances sent to the island, open Cuba to American
telecommunications companies and release all political prisoners. But
another State Department official, echoing Mr. Meacham, said the United
States would not delay its own efforts while waiting for Havana to make
such moves. “I don’t think we want to paint a big red line in the
sand to preclude any conversations,” the official said. “We need to
begin having conversations.”