Washington, DC - One of President-elect Barack Obama's top
priorities will be to rethink the "war on terror" from the ground up.
That means following through on his campaign promises to close the US
military prison at Guantánamo, which would be a major symbolic
Obama's administration-in-waiting is now crafting plans to bring
several dozen detainees to the United States to stand trial, according
to Associated Press reports, but it should prepare to encounter hurdles.
The current US government is wary of closing Guantánamo. Among its
biggest concerns is that prisoners will return to the battlefield upon
their release. However, available data indicate otherwise.
The Obama administration could learn quite a bit from the Saudi
example of detainee rehabilitation. Since May 2003, approximately 117
Saudi nationals have been repatriated from Guantánamo, bringing the
total number of Saudis detained there to under 20. To date, none of the
former Saudi detainees has returned to the battlefield.
Following a series of deadly domestic terrorist attacks in 2003, the
Saudi government began an ambitious and wide-ranging counterterrorism
effort. In addition to traditional security and law enforcement efforts
to kill or capture terrorists, the Saudis launched a parallel strategy
to combat the ideological justifications for violent extremism within
the Kingdom.
This "soft" approach, first formulated a few years ago by a Yemeni
judge, Hamoud al-Hitar, is made up of three components: prevention
programmes to deter average citizens from becoming violent extremists,
rehabilitation programmes designed to encourage supporters and
sympathisers to renounce violence, and aftercare programmes to prevent
recidivism and reintegrate people into society.
Similar programmes have already begun in Singapore, Egypt, Malaysia,
Indonesia and Iraq, the latter with help from a US Marine Corps task
One of the keys to the Saudi program's success is the extensive
social support given to a detainee and his family, intended to offset
hardship and short-circuit further radicalisation.
Persuasion, cooptation and even coercion all play a role as Saudi
authorities use traditional cultural factors such as honour, family
hierarchies and powerful social obligations to prevent recidivism.
Another major concern about closing Guantánamo is the large number
of Yemeni prisoners held there. According to recent figures, there are
about 101 Yemenis currently detained in Guantánamo, making them the
largest group of prisoners from a single country.
Yemen is one of the poorest countries in the world, so providing
adequate social programs to rehabilitate freed detainees would be
difficult. But its government is committed to repatriating its
The United States and other governments can help offset the costs
associated with doing so – a far more attractive option than indefinite
Plenty of research has been done about how individuals become
radicalised, but much less is understood about how people transition
out of such behaviour – and they do, to a remarkable extent.
My own research, and that of my co-authors in Leaving Terrorism
Behind, finds that participation in violence is not a permanent aspect
of a militant's life.
Of course, some hard-core extremists can never be rehabilitated, and
as Lawrence Wright wrote in a recent New Yorker article, you can only
hope for so much, moving people a bit at a time.
To be sure, some detainees considered an extreme danger to the
United States can never be repatriated. Among them are at least two
"high value" detainees, including alleged 9/11 conspirators Ramzi bin
al Shibh and Walid bin Attash.
And of course there was the case that occurred this past May when
Abdallah Salih al-Ajmi, who was repatriated to Kuwait in 2005 after
three years in "Gitmo" and acquitted of terrorism charges by a Kuwaiti
court, killed seven people in a suicide bombing targeting Iraqi
security forces in Mosul.
These individuals should be tried as war criminals, or – better yet
– as regular criminals, not in secret courts or military commissions.
It remains for Obama to decide what will happen to them, but
transparency, due process and legality are some of the strongest
weapons in the struggle against violent extremism. These perpetrators
must be brought to justice for their actions and, as long as they are
hidden away at Gitmo, that cannot happen.
However, these men are a minority within a minority, and the Obama
administration will have to show that terrorism emanating from the
Muslim world cannot be defeated through traditional security measures
Christopher Boucek is an associate at the Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace. This article originally appeared in The Christian
Science Monitor and was written for the Common Ground News Service